reede, november 25, 2005

Buy Nothing Day

Kes teadis, et täna on ostuvaba päev? Käsi püsti!! Tegelikult pole ma nii kindel. UK-s on näiteks homme. Aga jah, Eestis on täna. Rohelise liikumise järgi küll. Vabatahtlikud käisid Tartus kuskil kaubanduskeskuses voldikuid ja värke jagama. Välja visati. Hiigelsuur äripind linna keskel - kas on sotsiaalne ruum, kus võib vabalt oma seisukohti kuulutada? Väike ahistamine. Ma saan aru, et see kahjustab ärilisi huve, aga oleks aeg lõpuks aru saada, et mõnel päeval võiks selle nagu ära unustada.
Nüüd muutun laisaks. Veidike kopeerimist ja kleepimist:
Alternatiivid ostmisele: Make some noise or be quiet.
Turn your mobile off and chill out.
Sing in the shower.
Learn to count to 10 in every language.
Find out the names of all plants in your local park.
Take the things you bought last weekend back to the shops.
Cut a friend`s hair or plait it.
Create a dancing routine with friends and then do it at the bus stop.
Borrow a dog and take it for a walk.
Learn French.
Go to the park and find someone that you don´t like at the first sight.
Talk to the person and try to find out something nice about him/her.
Take a picture of yourself with that person.
Prepare special BND hamburger out of nothing. Hand them out to the public for free and tell them that the burger is completely free of BSE. (by the way, what`s BSE?)
Polish every single shoe you can find in the house.
Make someone tickle you.
Assume you are wrong.
Make yourself happy.
Learn a magic trick.
Knit yourself a big woolly hat and matching scarf to keep out those nasty winter chills. Brrrr..
Paint BND info onto your shopping bags and carry lots of them around empty.
Celebrate Buy Nothing Day!
Haa, mulle meeldivad need asjad. Muide, ma lähen koristan veel.

1 Teiste mõtted:

Blogger Silts arvas nii...

Thanks. I know what it is in estonian. I have heard lots about it. Now I know what`s the English word for this. Thanks again.

27 november, 2005 23:58  

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