Minu nimi on Lola
Sobrasin oma vanades failides ja leidsin sealt mitmeid, mida võiks pärliteks nimetada. Kunagi puudusid mu kujutlusvõimel sootuks piirid. Ja kõik kirjatööd on erinevad. Praegu kirjutan enda arust liiga ühenäolist kraami. Aga kõigi nende failide hulgast leidsin ühe, mis kandis pealkirja "IQ". Olin kunagi mingi testi sooritanud. Seal oli minu lingvistiliste ja matemaatiliste võimete kohta nii mõndagi toredat kirjas, kuid nende all.. Ma ei tea, mida see seal tegi, aga seal oli kirjas, kes ma olin eelmises elus.
Vot nii: In your last life you were a sultry leopard named Lola. You were a showgirl, with yellow feathers in your hair and a dress cut down to there. You would meringue and do the cha-cha. And one night at the Copacabana (the hottest spot north of Havana), you fell in love with Tony, the handsome bartender. Tony fought Rico (he wore a diamond) for you and won. The two of you grew old and happy together, joyfully dancing your lives away at the club to the soulful tunes of Barry Manilow.
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Vot nii: In your last life you were a sultry leopard named Lola. You were a showgirl, with yellow feathers in your hair and a dress cut down to there. You would meringue and do the cha-cha. And one night at the Copacabana (the hottest spot north of Havana), you fell in love with Tony, the handsome bartender. Tony fought Rico (he wore a diamond) for you and won. The two of you grew old and happy together, joyfully dancing your lives away at the club to the soulful tunes of Barry Manilow.
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